UN warns of Khan Younis: 182,000 people displaced

It has been reported that approximately 182,000 Palestinians have been displaced due to Israel's ongoing attacks on Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip.

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said in a statement that the recent intense attacks on Khan Younis have caused a new wave of internal migration.

The statement noted that approximately 182,000 people migrated from the central and eastern parts of Khan Younis between July 22 and 25.

Andrea de Domenico, OCHA Humanitarian Coordinator for the Occupied Palestinian Territory, said on July 3: “9 out of 10 people in Gaza have been displaced at least once” had stated.

The Israeli army has entered some areas east of Khan Younis that it had previously declared as “safe zones” “an operation will be organized” He called on residents of the area to evacuate.

Following the evacuation call, Palestinians began to flee the area. According to figures last released by the government media office in Gaza on July 24, 129 people were killed and 416 injured in Israel's attacks on Khan Younis.

Istanbul started the day with heavy rain

Following extremely hot and humid weather, heavy rain hit Istanbul in the morning hours.

Istanbulites started the weekend with rain after a hot and humid week.

The heavy rain that started in the morning hours soon started to show its effect.


As the roads quickly began to fill with water, drivers turned on their hazard lights and proceeded in a controlled manner.

Car rolls down a roadside ditch in Elazığ: 7 injured from the same family

Seven people from the same family were injured when a car went out of control and rolled down a ditch in Elazığ.

The terrible accident occurred in the evening hours in the Sakabaşı and Sarıtaş villages, 40 kilometers from the city center. The car with the license plate 23 ABT 211, driven by İ.A., lost control and rolled down the road.

Seven people from the same family in the car were injured in the accident. Health, AFAD and gendarmerie teams were dispatched to the scene upon notification. The injured were taken to hospitals in the city after receiving first aid.

While it was learned that the health condition of the injured was good, an investigation into the accident was launched.

RTÜK chairman meddled in music videos and demanded 'decency', opposition reacted harshly:

Ebubekir Şahin, who said that sexual content was used in the lyrics and clips of the songs, said, “We are warning you.” CHP member Keser called for resistance against this censorship attempt.

RTÜK, which has drawn criticism with the penalties it has given to channels that broadcast critical broadcasts, has now issued a warning to channels that broadcast music videos. RTÜK President Ebubekir Şahin, who made a statement on his social media account, said, “Our monitoring experts’ reports reflect that televisions that broadcast music videos in our country have exceeded the boundaries of morality and decency.” Şahin made the following statements: “It has been determined that music channels use excessive sexual content in the video clips they broadcast. Nude images are frequently included. It has been observed that radio channels frequently play songs that contain slang and profane words. It is imperative that the relevant broadcasters urgently address the content in question, which is against our traditions, beliefs, social and cultural values, within their own mechanisms and bring it into compliance with the broadcasting principles in our Law No. 6112. It is extremely important that this warning we have made is taken into consideration with sensitivity and that music clips that are not compatible with our national and moral values ​​are subsequently meticulously reviewed.”

Speaking to Cumhuriyet regarding Şahin’s statements, Tuncay Keser, who was elected to RTÜK from the CHP quota, said, “The definition of national moral value is vague and open to interpretation.” Keser continued his words as follows: “It varies depending on the person and time. The measure must be set correctly here. It is not possible to say that this measure and the application of punishment are fair and proportionate in our country. Sanctions are applied according to the person and the institution.”


Keser, who recalled that concerts and festivals were previously banned due to claims that they were “against our national and moral values,” said, “It is not the right attitude to demand that these bans be carried to television and radio. No one has the right to impose their lifestyle or moral understanding on others. Everyone should stand against censorship and self-censorship attempts that will drag our country into intellectual barrenness.”

The Secularism Assembly brought the MEB's 'Türkiye Century Education Model' to the Council of State

Secularism Assembly term spokesperson Umut Kuruç and Secularism Assembly member lawyer Doğan Erkan held a press conference in front of the Council of State.

A lawsuit was filed yesterday at the Council of State to halt the execution of the reactionary “Turkey Century Education Model” curriculum prepared by the Ministry of National Education in accordance with “moral and national values.” Before the petition was filed, Secularism Assembly term spokesperson Umut Kuruç and Secularism Assembly member lawyer Doğan Erkan held a press conference in front of the Council of State.


Erkan emphasized that the new curriculum was based on a sectarian belief and said, “This is a clear violation of the principle of secularism. The religious organization of administrative affairs is prohibited in our constitution. Education must be secularized according to the international agreements we have committed to. Even compulsory religious education is against secularism.” Erkan continued his words as follows: “While we were struggling with compulsory religious education, we now have to struggle with the entire secondary education curriculum. This is a crime of attempting to overthrow the secular constitutional order. Today, we are in the administrative lawsuit filing phase of our struggle. We request the Council of State to halt this process. We also want the administration’s defense to be halted before it is taken, so that we can try to halt the curriculum before the materials for this curriculum begin.”


The term spokesman of the Secularism Assembly, Umut Kuruç, said, “We are against this curriculum. We will continue to struggle to ensure that secular, scientific, public and free education is provided. It is a practice that they have put forward with the Teachers Profession Law in order to train their own staff in line with the new curriculum. The practices implemented by the political power in education are the last steps of their counter-revolutionary moves.”


The following statements were used in the petition submitted by the Assembly to the Council of State:

“The Turkey Century Education Model in question is clearly contrary to the constitution, the ECHR and Constitutional Court case laws, the decision of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, the fundamental principles of Turkish national education such as the generality and equality of the National Education Fundamental Law, the needs of the individual and society, the right to education, equality of opportunity and means, Atatürk’s reforms and principles, secularism, and scientific nature. Therefore, the suspension of execution and cancellation of the said Turkey Century Education Model is necessary.”

CHP's Adem: The environment is not important for the AKP

Adem: “Everywhere is being usurped without any consideration for the environment. Here, companies are protected, but places that belong to citizens are being nationalized. These are not matters for one person to decide on.”

Urgent expropriation decisions in energy were published in the Official Gazette yesterday. According to the announced presidential decisions, certain real estates required for the Blue Hydroelectric Power Plant (HES) Auxiliary Source Solar Power Plant (GES) electricity production facility to be established in Konya will be urgently expropriated by the Energy Market Regulatory Authority in order to be registered in the name of the Treasury in the land registry. It was decided that certain real estates required for the 4th Group lignite mine operation licensed field in Afyonkarahisar Şuhut district will be urgently expropriated by the General Directorate of Mining and Petroleum Affairs. Speaking to Cumhuriyet regarding the issue, CHP Deputy Chairman Responsible for the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Erhan Adem said, “Everywhere is being usurped without any value being given to the environment. Companies are being protected here, but places that belong to citizens are being expropriated. These are not matters for one person to decide on. It should be done by taking the opinions of the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, and the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources into consideration. But unfortunately, decisions are being made hastily without the need for this. “The environment has no importance for the central government,” he said.

Ukrainian pedestrian hit by motorcycle in Alanya dies

A Ukrainian pedestrian who was hit by a motorcycle in the Alanya district of Antalya lost his life.

The motorcycle with the registration number 07 BFT 136, driven by Hacı Bayram C. (19), hit Valentyna Svitlychna (63), who was trying to cross the D-400 highway in Kestel District.

Upon notification, 112 Emergency Health and gendarmerie teams were dispatched to the scene of the accident.

Crews determined that Svitlychna had died.

The motorcyclist was seriously injured in the accident and was taken to hospital.

After the examination, Svitlychna's body was taken to the Alanya Municipality morgue.

Ministry of National Defence: '25 terrorist targets destroyed in air operation in northern Iraq'

In a statement made by the Ministry of National Defense (MSB), it was announced that 25 terrorist targets were destroyed in the air operation conducted in northern Iraq.

The statement from the Ministry of National Defence is as follows:

“In order to neutralize the PKK/KCK and other terrorist elements; to eliminate terrorist attacks targeting our people and security forces from the north of Iraq and to ensure our border security; in line with our legitimate defense rights arising from Article 51 of the United Nations Charter, an air operation was conducted on July 26, 2024 against terrorist targets in the Gara, Qandil and Assos regions in the north of Iraq. During the air operation, 25 targets consisting of caves, shelters, shelters, warehouses and facilities used by the Separatist Terrorist Organization (STO) and thought to contain responsible terrorists were destroyed.”

General managers of İZSU and GDZ Elektrik were released in the incident in which 2 people lost their lives in İzmir

Nine people, including İZSU General Manager Gürkan Erdoğan and GDZ Electricity Distribution General Manager Uğur Yüksel, who were detained in connection with the incident in which two people lost their lives in heavy rain in the Konak district of İzmir on July 12, were released on condition of judicial control pending trial, while house arrest was ordered for two people.

Within the scope of the investigation conducted by the İzmir Chief Public Prosecutor's Office regarding the deaths of Özge Ceren Deniz (23) and İnanç Öktemay (44) who were electrocuted during the heavy rainfall in the Alsancak district of Konak, İzmir on July 12, a detention warrant was issued yesterday for 11 suspects, including İZSU General Manager Gürkan Erdoğan and GDZ Electricity Distribution General Manager Uğur Yüksel.

The prosecutor's investigation into the suspects, who were detained upon the instructions of the prosecutor's office, was completed at the İzmir Bayraklı Courthouse and the suspects were referred to the Criminal Court of Peace.

The prosecutor's office requested the arrest of İZSU General Manager Gürkan Erdoğan, Adana Municipality Secretary General – Former İZSU General Manager Ali Hıdır Köseoğlu, İZSU Deputy General Manager Serdar Sadi, DGZ Electricity Distribution Manager Uğur Yüksel, Metropolitan Region Manager Ali Arcan, Operations Director Sefa Pişkinleblebici, Construction Works Field Manager Mürsel Arıcı, Construction Works Manager Specialist Alper Doğan and GDZ personnel Halit Özpelit.

Judicial control was requested for System Operation and Maintenance Manager Ekrem Yıldırım and Planning and Technology Director Necati Ergin.


While the suspects appeared before the judge in the on-call court, System Operation and Maintenance Manager Ekrem Yıldırım and Planning and Technology Director Necati Ergin were released pending trial with the condition of judicial control and a ban on traveling abroad.

İZSU General Manager Erdoğan and GDZ Elektrik A.Ş. General Manager Yüksel were released on condition of judicial control.


While the hearing was still ongoing, Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Cemil Tugay came to the courthouse, greeted Erdoğan's family, then entered the courthouse and followed the proceedings from in front of the courtroom.

In the hearing that lasted until midnight, the on-call court made its decision regarding the 9 people to whom the prosecutor's office had requested detention.

Within the scope of the decision, seven people, including İZSU General Manager Erdoğan and GDZ Elektrik A.Ş. General Manager Yüksel, were released on condition of judicial control and pending trial. House arrest was ordered for two people who are GDZ Elektrik A.Ş. employees. With the decision, it was decided to put electronic bracelets on Construction Works Field Manager Mürsel Arıcı and Construction Works Manager Specialist Alper Doğan.


Making a statement after the decision, Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Cemil Tugay stated that they believed the process would be carried out in accordance with the law and said the following:

“Today, at this hour, we are here with a decision that makes us happy. Yesterday, at a completely unexpected moment, in a completely unexpected way, we received news that our general manager, assistant general manager and former general manager had been detained. And after that, we carefully tried to understand where this came from. We understood that this detention decision was made based on some claims in a submitted expert report.

However, we believe these were not really causal or legally valid claims. Our legal colleagues have been defending these claims since yesterday, together with our general manager and assistant general manager, that they were unfounded. The way our general manager and assistant general manager were detained yesterday while they were working in our institution has disturbed us greatly. And from that moment on, we were also concerned about whether this process would proceed legally. However, today, our court ruled to release them. And from that moment on, we have formed a belief that this process will proceed more legally correctly.

We will continue to do whatever is necessary to contribute to the legal process regarding the two citizens we lost, with all our transparency. We have a sadness for them that we will never lose. However, we are all looking for justice. We are also making an effort to ensure that justice is served here. I believe that the decision made today regarding our friends is fair.”


İZSU General Manager Erdoğan made the following statements regarding the decision:

“We have never hesitated to testify or be tried. In this sense, we have never been afraid. We have always tried to go and assist the judicial authorities throughout the process. We are extremely happy that the process has ended this way. We are extremely happy with the decision that has been made on our behalf. In addition, we are aware that this city represents certain values. We see our duty not only as a civil servant but also as a carrier of the values ​​that this city symbolizes. In this sense, we will be on duty as of tomorrow morning. We will continue to work with all our heart and soul.”

Watermelon eating contest in Tekirdağ: Gold to the first person to finish 2 kilos of watermelon

Those who ate 2 kilos of watermelon won gold in the competition held at the Ferhadanlı Watermelon Festival organized by the Süleymanpaşa Municipality in Tekirdağ.

The Ferhadanlı Watermelon Festival organized by Süleymanpaşa Municipality continues. While Ferhadanlı Neighborhood watermelons were exhibited in the festival area, citizens showed great interest in the festival.

At the festival, 20 contestants participated in the watermelon eating competition held in two categories, women and men.

The contestants competed fiercely to finish 2 kilos of watermelon as soon as possible to win gold. The six competitors who finished the watermelon the earliest won gold. In the women's category, Nagihan Dönmez came in first, Hatice Gökçek came in second, and Dilek İçkedal came in third. In the men's category, Ümit İçkedal came in first, Mehmet Yılmaz came in second, and Murat Şahin came in third.

After the watermelon competition, the festival continued with the Lara concert. CHP Süleymanpaşa Mayor Volkan Nallar presented Lara with flowers and said “Welcome” to everyone.